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PostOperative instructions- Extraction/ Tooth Removal

After tooth extraction, it’s important for a blood clot to form to stop the bleeding and begin the healing process. That’s why we ask you to bite on a gauze pad for 45 minutes after the appointment. If the bleeding or oozing persists, insert another gauze pad and bite firmly for another 30 minutes. You may have to do this several times.

• Do not rinse or spit for 24 hours after surgery.
• Keep your fingers and tongue away from the socket or surgical area.
• Use ice packs on the surgical area (side of face) for the first 48 hours; apply ice 20 minutes on and 10 minutes off. (Note: Bags of frozen peas work well.)
• For mild discomfort, take Tylenol® or ibuprofen every 3–4 hours.
• For severe pain, use the medication prescribed to you.
• Drink plenty of fluids. (Do not use a straw—this creates suction in the mouth that could cause complications.)
• We suggest that you do not smoke for at least 5 days after surgery.
• Avoid strenuous activity and do not exercise for at least 3–4 days after surgery. After that, be careful: your regular caloric and fluid intake have been reduced, so you may get light-headed, dizzy, or weak.
• If the muscles of the jaw become stiff, the use of warm moist heat to the outside of your face over the spots that are stiff will relax these muscles.
• After the first post-operative day, use a warm salt water rinse following meals for the first week to flush out particles of food and debris that may lodge in the surgical area. (Mix ½ teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. Mouthwash can be added for better taste.)
• Your diet should consist mainly of soft, easily swallowed foods and cool drinks. Avoid anything that might get stuck in your teeth, so no seeds, nuts, rice, popcorn, or similar foods.

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1. Bleeding: A small amount of bleeding is to be expected for 1 to 2 days after a frenectomy. If bleeding starts again, put a damp gauze, a clean damp cloth, or a cold damp tea bag over the bleeding area and bite on it for 30 minutes with firm pressure. Do not chew.
2. Rinsing: Do not rinse your mouth or brush your teeth the day of surgery. The day after surgery, rinse with a solution of warm salt water every 6 hours. You may brush your teeth using care around the area of extraction. If painful, you may delay this for 1 or 2 more days.
3. DO NOT spit for 24 hours; it may increase bleeding.
4. DO NOT smoke for 24 hours.
5. DO NOT use mouthwash or anything with alcohol in it for 24 hours.
6. DO NOT bend over and lift any heavy objects or get overheated.
7. DO NOT use a straw for drinking for 24 hours. Drinking through a straw may disturb the blood clot.
8. Swelling: Swelling after a frenectomy is common and need not cause any alarm. Apply an ice pack for 30 minutes on and 30 minutes off every waking hour for the first 24 hours following your frenectomy.
9. Pain: For pain, take any over-the-counter non-aspirin pain tablet as directed. If this is not adequate, use the prescription tablets as directed.
10. Diet: Drink lots of liquids and eat anything you can swallow, especially fruit juices and milk.
11. Sleep: Make sure you sleep with your head elevated on two pillows.
12. IF PAIN INCREASES after 48 hours, please contact us immediately.
Wishing you the best
Molar Bear Dentario

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You have been fitted with a removable brace. It is important that you follow these instructions:

1. Wear your brace all the time, including mealtimes and bedtimes. Your brace should only be taken out for cleaning after each meal and before you go to bed but put straight back into your mouth.

2. Note down the activation schedule & wear time as suggested by your dentist. Make a diary note & carry it for your follow-up visits.

3. Clean your brace and teeth regularly. Your brace should be removed after each meal and before going to bed so that you can clean your brace & your teeth. To clean your brace, rinse it (holding the plastic bits and not the metal), and then scrub it gently with your toothbrush or a soft nail brush. You can use toothpaste to do this BUT not denture cleaners. Once your brace is clean, pop it into your container with water and clean your teeth. It is advisable to use a toothpaste containing fluoride.

It is normal to get some discomfort when your brace is first fitted and after each adjustment. Mild painkillers should be enough to relieve any discomfort. Do not keep taking your brace out to give yourself a rest. This will only make matters worse. If the discomfort persists longer than 4–5 days, please revert to us.

SPEECH: A removable brace will make you lisp at first. This will disappear as long as the brace is worn full time.

BREAKAGES: Please contact us if there are any breakages. If you can continue to wear your brace without discomfort, please do so.

Wishing you the best
Molar Bear Dentario

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How to properly care for your new Night Guard

Follow these complete instructions for cleaning your night guard and it should stay in great shape for years to come!

Keeping your night guard clean
Rinse immediately after each wear. Brush the night guard with your toothbrush.
Note: You don’t need to apply toothpaste to the brush. Since toothpaste can be abrasive, it may scratch your night guard and cause it to wear out more quickly.

Keep the night guard DRY on storage
Lay your night guard on a clean surface and allow it to dry completely. It’s important to allow your night guard to dry completely before storing it, as to prevent rapid bacterial growth. Choose a clean, flat surface to allow your night guard to dry. Typically, it should dry within 15-30 minutes.

Always store your night guard in a case.
Be careful not to store your night guard anywhere subject to extreme hot or cold temperatures.

Deep clean your night guard monthly
Make a habit of deep cleaning your night guard at least once a month. This can be done several ways:

1. Use an over-the-counter nonabrasive denture cleaner. Simply place your night guard in a glass or bowl with water and allow the cleaner to dissolve completely into the water.
2. Using a mixture of vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. Soak the night guard in distilled white vinegar for at least 30 minutes. Rinse with water. Then soak the night guard in hydrogen peroxide for at least 30 more minutes. Once finished, rinse with water and allow the night guard to dry completely.

Note: Don’t ever leave your night guard soaking in anything for longer than one hour. Extended time in liquid can damage the material your night guard is made out of. Also, don’t soak in any liquid containing alcohol – that includes Listerine.

Wishing you the best
Molar Bear Dentario

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Post Operative Instructions ORAL PROPHYLAXIS (Tooth cleaning)

This procedure helps in removing tartar from around the teeth and gums and thus aids in improving the health of the gums and the supporting bone around the teeth.

After the procedure, you may or may not experience:
● Tooth sensitivity
● Discomfort or itching of teeth/gums
● Bleeding from gums while brushing or eating

1. Do not smoke for 24 to 48 hours after as it would delay the healing process.
2. Lukewarm salt water rinses can aid in the speedy recovery of your inflamed gums.
3. Avoid brushing or flossing the treated area (inflamed gums) for 12 hours; however, maintain your oral hygiene with regular brushing and flossing from the next day.
4. Teeth may be sensitive to hot, cold, or sweet. This occurs as the gum tissue heals and should resolve in a few days.
5. Slight pain and discomfort is usually present in the areas where advanced cleaning procedures have been performed, which should subside within a week.
6. Use of the prescribed mouth rinse can help in the speedy recovery of the gums and maintain the teeth plaque-free.

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• Watch out your child after anaesthesia for the next couple of hours, as the child may chew or bite on the numb cheeks or lips and cause self-injury.
• Your child may or may not experience pain in the first two days post-initiation of pulpectomy, which can be managed by the painkillers prescribed to you.
• After a root canal, it's important to take special care of the affected tooth for a few weeks or until the tooth is fully restored. You can brush and floss as usual, but make sure to be gentle around the treated area.
• Avoid chewing on hard foods or using the treated tooth for biting down heavily.
• Do not chew, drink hot or cold liquids for the first hour.
• Once your root canal and any follow-up appointments are completed, the final crown should be placed without much delay.
• Though you may experience a slightly different sensation from your treated tooth than your other teeth for some time, you should contact the clinic immediately in case of: Severe pain or pressure lasting more than a few days, Visible swelling inside or outside your mouth, An allergic reaction to medication (rash, hives or itching), Your bite feels uneven, The temporary crown or filling, if one was put in place, comes out (losing a thin layer is normal).

Wishing you the best
Molar Bear Dentario

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As the medication used to numb your mouth during the procedure wears off, you may feel some tenderness in the area for a few days as everything heals and some mild soreness in your jaw from keeping your mouth open for an extended period during the procedure. These temporary symptoms usually respond well to painkillers prescribed by the doctor.
Though you may experience a slightly different sensation from your treated tooth than your other teeth for some time, you should contact the clinic immediately if you experience any of the following symptoms:
• Severe pain or pressure lasting more than a few days
• Visible swelling inside or outside your mouth
• An allergic reaction to medication (rash, hives or itching)
• Your bite feels uneven
• The temporary crown or filling, if one was put in place, comes out (losing a thin layer is normal)

After a root canal, it's important to take special care of the affected tooth for a few weeks or until your tooth is fully restored. You can brush and floss as usual, but make sure to be gentle around the treated area.
Avoid chewing on hard foods or using the treated tooth for biting down heavily until you've been cleared by your endodontist or dentist.
You should not chew, drink hot or cold liquids, or smoke for the first hour. Additionally, smoking can interfere with the healing process and should be avoided.
Once your root canal and any follow-up appointments are completed, you’ll need to return to your dentist for a final crown to fully restore the tooth without much delay.

Wishing you the best
Molar Bear Dentario

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• Do not smoke for 48 hours
• Avoid foods and beverages that stain (red sauce, blueberries, juice, coffee, tea, etc.)
• Mild sensitivity to hot or cold liquids may occur. This usually passes within 1 – 2 days. If sensitivity persists, we recommend taking over the counter pain medication.
• If you experience gum sensitivity do not brush the afflicted area while brushing your teeth.
• Immediate whitening results can be quite dramatic due to minor dehydration of your teeth. It is normal for the colour to tone down somewhat after treatment when your teeth rehydrate to a natural white tone.
• Long term results vary from patient to patient. This can depend on the original shade of your teeth and include habits such as smoking or drinking coloured beverages (red wine, coffee, tea, etc.)
• Existing fillings, crowns, bonding, etc. will not whiten. Therefore, these may need to be changed in order to match your new smile.

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